Application note

Application note: Automated nucleic acid amplification assay for mycoplasma detection in cell and gene therapy products

Ambili Menon, Pharma Quality Control, bioMérieux Inc. addresses the task of microbiological testing for advanced therapeutic medicinal products.

Automated nucleic acid amplification assay for mycoplasma detection in cell and gene therapy products

Cell and gene therapies (CGT) or advanced therapeutic medicinal products (ATMPs) are innovative medicines developed to treat cancers, rare diseases, autoimmune disorders and injuries. As these therapies utilise living cells, they produce a product with a short shelf life. While microbiological examination of cell-based products is critical to ensure patient safety, challenges exist to enable testing and obtaining rapid results prior to patient infusion. 

Discover more about the challenges and solutions associated with mycoplasma testing in cell and gene therapy products. Learn how to improve the speed and accuracy of your results using a versatile and easy-to-use system.

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