Janssen to present 17 abstracts in ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis at EULAR
Posted: 11 June 2015 |
Seventeen Janssen Immunology abstracts in ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, will be presented at EULAR…

Seventeen Janssen Immunology abstracts in ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, will be presented at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR).
Newman Yeilding, M.D., Head of Immunology Development, Janssen Research & Development, LLC. said, “Our commitment to immunology and the continued research and development of innovative solutions for the treatment of complex immune and inflammatory diseases has never been stronger. We are pleased to present data from our immunology portfolio at the EULAR congress.”
Janssen Immunology Portfolio Highlights At EULAR 2015 Include:
STELARA (ustekinumab):
- Serum biomarkers associated with disease activity and response to ustekinumab in patients with ankylosing spondylitis in the TOPAS study (THU0194)
- Poster presentation, Thursday 11 June at 12:00
- Lead author: B. Dasgupta
- A Phase 2 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of subcutaneously administered ustekinumab and guselkumab in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite treatment with methotrexate (OP0031)
- Oral presentation, Thursday 11 June at 10:55
- Lead author: J. Smolen
- Efficacy and safety of ustekinumab in psoriatic arthritis patients with spondylitis and peripheral joint involvement: Results from a Phase 3, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study† (OP0174)
- Oral presentation, Friday 12 June at 11:35
- Lead author: A. Kavanaugh
- Long-term improvements in physical function are associated with improvements in dactylitis, enthesitis, tender and swollen joint counts, and psoriasis skin involvement: Results from a Phase 3 study of ustekinumab in psoriatic arthritis patients† (SAT0563)
- Poster presentation, Saturday 13 June at 10:15
- Lead author: A. Kavanaugh
- Integrated safety of ustekinumab in psoriatic arthritis: 2 year follow-up from the psoriatic arthritis clinical development program (THU0419)
- Poster presentation, Thursday 11 June at 12:00
- Lead author: A. Kavanaugh
- Serious infection events in the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry study: Current status of observations (SAT0560)
- Poster and poster tour presentation, Saturday 13 June at 11:00
- Lead Author: R. Kalb
- Malignancies in the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry (PSOLAR) study: Current status of observations (SAT0559)
- Poster and poster tour presentation, Saturday 13 June at 10:50
- Lead author: D. Fiorentino
- Persistence of biologic therapy in psoriatic disease: Results from the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry (PSOLAR)†(SAT0561)
- Poster and poster tour presentation, Saturday 13 June at 11:10
- Lead author: A. Menter
SIMPONI** (golimumab):
- Clinical meaningfulness of radiographic joint damage on physical function, employability and work productivity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the intravenous golimumab study GO-FURTHER (AB0412)
- Publication only
- Lead author: C. Han
- Comparison of interferon-ƴ release assay versus tuberculin skin test in the golimumab PURSUIT UC program and the golimumab SC rheumatology (RA, PsA, and AS) program (AB0413)
- Publication only
- Lead author: EC Hsia
- Treatment target status at 6 months and long-term outcomes at 5 years: Analysis of methotrexate-naïve patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the SC GO-BEFORE trial (SAT0162)
- Poster presentation, Saturday 13 June at 10:15
- Lead author: P. Emery
- A comparison of EQ5D index from the UK, US, and Japan preference weights model, and mapping algorithm from clinical outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Results from SIMPONI ARIA study (THU0091)
- Poster presentation, Thursday 11 June at 12:00
- Lead author: C. Han
- Serum biomarkers associated with changes in ASDAS and MRI following treatment of ankylosing spondylitis with golimumab (THU0223)
- Poster presentation, Thursday 11 June at 12:00
- Lead author: R.D. Inman
- Long-term safety of intravenous golimumab and comparison with subcutaneous golimumab in rheumatoid arthritis: Results through 2 years (FRI0132)
- Poster presentation, Friday 12 June at 12:00
- Lead author: R. Westhovens
**The intravenous formulation of golimumab is not approved in Europe. It is approved in the US under the name of SIMPONI® ARIA®.
- Improvement in measures of depressed mood and anhedonia, and fatigue, in a randomized, placebo-controlled, Phase 2 study of sirukumab, a human anti-interleukin-6 antibody, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (SAT0182)
- Poster presentation, Saturday 13 June at 10:15
- Lead author: B. Hsu
- Neutralization of IL-6 by sirukumab inhibits inflammation and cellular stress in a human vascular surrogate system of atherosclerosis (FRI0069)
- Poster and poster tour presentation, Friday 12 June at 13:25
- Lead author: B. Hsu
- Preclinical characterization of sirukumab, a human monoclonal antibody that targets human interleukin -6 signaling† (THU0042)
- Poster and poster tour presentation, Thursday 11 June at 12:05
- Lead author: D. Gardner
Janssen-sponsored Symposia
- IL-6: a central cytokine in rheumatoid arthritis, Thursday 11 June 2015 at 17:45–19:15 in Hall 10, Room C, Fiera Roma, Rome, Italy
- The spectrum of spondyloarthropathies: molecules to medicine, Friday 12 June 2015 at 08:30–10:00 in Hall 2, Fiera Roma, Rome, Italy
Related organisations
European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc.