
New version of Clarity Chromatography Software expands portfolio of controlled instruments and introduces new features

Posted: 2 June 2016 | | No comments yet

Clarity version 7.0 has the reorganized installation structure, which allows better access to data and a new robust system of custom units…

We are happy to announce the release of Clarity version 7.0.

Clarity version 7.0

This new version has several new features and enhancements. Clarity version 7.0 has the reorganized installation structure, which allows better access to data and a new robust system of custom units. We have also implemented a new feature that has been frequently requested by Clarity users:  Single Analysis now supports an injection directly via controlled autosamplers.

Our portfolio of controlled instruments has grown again. Clarity currently supports more than 600 instruments. Clarity platform allows users to connect instruments from different manufacturers using the same software interface. We appreciate the cooperation with instrument manufacturers who support their system on multiple software platforms. DataApex, as an independent software developer, is proud to provide an alternative software solution to chromatography users.

Detailed information on the new version, including a free demo version, can be found on our webpages. Based on DataApex unique policy any user with an older Clarity SW version can update SW free of charge.

Clarity Chromatography Software has a strong position in the chromatography data systems market. Clarity is highly regarded for its intuitive approach, excellent performance, cost-effectiveness and proficient technical support. DataApex is solely focused on chromatography software development. A strong emphasis is placed on technological innovation, visionary adoption of new laboratory standards, best practices and extensive customer support. DataApex products are sold in over 100 countries around the world. 15 chromatography instrument manufacturers resell privately labelled versions (OEMs) of DataApex’s software.  To obtain further information about DataApex Clarity products please contact us at [email protected] or visit

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