
Actavis responds to SMC’s reccommendation of Ozurdex as a valuable treatment option for patients with diabetic macular oedema

Posted: 13 May 2015 |

Actavis has responded to the decision by the SMC to accept Ozurdex for use by NHS Scotland for the treatment of visual impairment in patients with DMO…

Actavis has responded to the decision by the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) to recommend Ozurdex ® for use by NHS Scotland for the treatment of visual impairment in patients with diabetic macular oedema (DMO).


DMO is a condition that affects approximately 7% of people with diabetes and is the leading cause of sight loss amongst this group. The burden of DMO can be significant, as patients with diabetes often have other health issues which can result in the need for frequent visits to a wide range of healthcare professionals. Effective but less frequent treatments for DMO could be advantageous for patients, their caregivers, and the healthcare system.

Ozurdex should help NHS Scotland preserve the vision of a larger number of DMO patients

Mr William Wykes, Consultant Ophthalmologist at Glasgow’s Southern General Hospital, says, “We are extremely pleased with the SMC’s decision, as it is estimated that up to 50% of people with DMO do not respond to non-corticosteroid therapy, notably anti-VEGFs (the current most frequently used treatment) or laser. Ozurdex should help us preserve the vision of a larger number of DMO patients, and also improve their quality of life by reducing the burden of multiple hospital visits.”

Data recently presented show that over a six month period, the average DMO patient could have approximately 19 appointments with their ophthalmologist, GP, diabetologist and/or retina specialist; plus additional appointments with neurologists, cardiologists and other specialists. On top of this, patients in Scotland often have to travel long distances to treatment centres. The resulting impact on patient time is therefore significant and can make appointment attendance a challenge.

“As clinicians, we need to think about the wider impact our choice of treatment can have on patients, as well as the family and friends who sacrifice considerable amounts of time accompanying them to appointments. Anything we can do to reduce the number of intravitreal injections and visits to clinic has the potential to be hugely beneficial for patients and their carers,” said Mr Wykes.

Dr Imran Lodhi, Allergan UK Medical Director, says, “Allergan welcomes the SMC’s advice which was based on their assessment of the established clinical and health outcomes data. Indeed, the recommendation by the SMC mirrors the approved UK license for Ozurdex, meaning that a diverse group of DMO patients can now benefit from this effective treatment option.”

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