Malvern shows newly acquired Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis systems at Pittcon 2014
Posted: 4 March 2014 | | No comments yet
Malvern Instruments brings a new addition to Pittcon in 2014, exhibiting NanoSight Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis systems within its growing portfolio of analytical solutions for industry and academia…

Malvern Instruments brings a new addition to Pittcon in 2014, exhibiting NanoSight Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) systems within its growing portfolio of analytical solutions for industry and academia. Pittcon 2014 is Malvern’s first major exposition in the US since acquiring NanoSight in September 2013, a move which resulted in the addition of NTA to Malvern’s technologies for particle sizing and counting at the nanoscale.
NTA systems will be on show alongside the Zetasizer Nano and the new Viscotek SEC-MALS 20 GPC/SEC detector. Also on the Malvern booth is the Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction particle size analyzer featuring new software. This can now mimic the performance of other laser diffraction systems so that upgrading from one instrument to another is not complicated by having to rationalize any observed differences in the measured data. Live analysis confirms the stability of measurements while in progress, and the ability to customize reports enables users to easily meet industry and company standards. Mastersizer software is now available in eight languages to ensure full accessibility for users around the world.
Malvern specialists will also run a number of events as part of the Pittcon short-course program. These include: “Sampling for Particle Size Analysis” on Saturday 1 March; “Fundamentals of Advanced Gel Permeation and Size Exclusion Chromatography Detection” and “Particle Characterization of Nanomaterials” on Wednesday 5 March; and “Fundamentals of Particle Size Analysis with an Emphasis on Light Scattering Techniques” on Thursday 6 March.
For more details of the short courses please see the Malvern blog
Visit the Malvern website for details of the company’s complete portfolio