
AdvantaPure® introduces new case studies on tubing, closures and molded assemblies

Posted: 7 August 2018 | | No comments yet

AdvantaPure has released three new case studies focused on fluid transfer challenges involving biopharm and pharmaceutical applications. Each Study Describes Processing Problems, Customer Goals, and Product Solutions…

Each report details a customer’s processing situation and the solutions explored with AdvantaPure’s engineering staff to address problems. Diagrams offer detailed information on fluid paths and product designs.

“AdvantaPure BioClosure® System for Drug Substance Filling and Storage” explains one customer’s goals of moving to a leak-proof, closed container system and reducing foam during the container filling process. Two closure materials were tested, along with a custom component for foam reduction.

“AdvantaPure Molded Assemblies for Final Filling” describes how a user wanted to redesign their current filling process to reduce leak points and maintain sterility. Bag and tubing assemblies made with multiple barbed fitting connections were compared to molded assemblies with a multi-port Tri-Clamp® bag attachment.

Finally, “AdvantaPass® Cleanroom Portal for Aseptic Fluid Transfer” is a study involving AdvantaPure’s patented clean room wall pass-through system. It explains how a customer decided between using movable totes, a competitor’s pass-through system and AdvantaPass.

The new case studies join AdvantaPure’s existing report on AdvantaSil high pressure silicone tubing for bulk fluid transfer. This study describes a customer’s need to identify tubing that would increase productivity by maximising flow rate.

All of AdvantaPure’s case studies may be downloaded from the company’s website under the “Information Request” tab, which also offers white papers, regulatory summaries, validation reports, change notifications and product literature. A simple, four-field registration process allows access to all four case studies.

For more information on AdvantaPure’s products and access to its case studies, click here.

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