
Biotechnica 2009 – Europe’s leading gathering for the biotech industry

Posted: 9 October 2009 | EPR | No comments yet

For three days the halls will be alive with exhibitors and visiting professionals from all over the world, together with distinguished speakers and investors – all to discuss the latest products, innovations, research findings and market opportunities.

For three days the halls will be alive with exhibitors and visiting professionals from all over the world, together with distinguished speakers and investors - all to discuss the latest products, innovations, research findings and market opportunities.

For three days the halls will be alive with exhibitors and visiting professionals from all over the world, together with distinguished speakers and investors – all to discuss the latest products, innovations, research findings and market opportunities.

Date: 6-8 October 2009
Venue: Exhibition Grounds, 30521 Hannover, Germany

Biotechnica embraces every segment of biotechnology from basic biotechnology and equipment, bio-informatics and services to the five major areas of application: pharmaceuticals/medicine, industry, food, agriculture, the chemical industry and the environment.

Biotechnica has been organised by Deutsche Messe AG at the Hannover Exhibition Grounds since 1985. Today, Biotechnica events, BIOTECH CHINA in Asia and BIOTECHNICA AMERICA in the USA, are also held across the globe.

Biotechnica 2009: Strong turnout expected despite recession

  • Trade show statistics superior to last event in 2008
  • Net display area of more than 11,000 m² already booked
  • Keen interest in top themes Bio-IT and Protein Engineering

There are five sections to the event:

  • Exhibition
  • Conference program
  • Partnering and networking
  • Recruitment
  • The European Biotechnica Award

From research and product development, equipment, process technology and services to production and marketing: the exhibition section of BIOTECHNICA charts the biotech industry’s value-adding chain from start to finish.

Alongside the big industry players and SMEs, which have their own stands at the show, young and emerging biotech firms and scientific establishments are given ideal opportunities to showcase their work at the many group display stands representing national and international BioClusters and industry associations. Companies that are exhibiting include:

  • Agilent Technologies
  • BioSilta
  • Chroma Technology
  • CyBio
  • ForteBio
  • GE Healthcare UK Ltd
  • HAMILTON Robotics
  • Invitrogen
  • Koma Biotech
  • Mettler-Toledo
  • Medicago
  • Nikon
  • Pall Life Sciences
  • PerkinElmer
  • Roche Diagnostics
  • Tecan Deutschland
  • TRACE Analytics
  • Vivalis

In parallel with the trade exhibition and partnering, more than 500 distinguished speakers from all over the world will be addressing audiences at numerous conferences at the Convention Center, presenting the latest research findings and reporting on successful industrial applications.

Overview of conferences:


  • Advanced methods in PCR – Users from different fields will present new, tricky methods and surprising applications.
  • Stem cells – Leading scientists will present the status quo of current research and demonstrate the tools of this fascinating discipline.


  • Methods in molecular diagnostics – Latest enhancements of molecular methods in the different areas of diagnostics will be presented by experts in their field.
  • Optimised protein expression – Experienced users will show strategies to maximized protein expression in their fields of application. The focus is on technologies and procedures.


  • 2nd Biomanufacturing Symposium – For the second time Biotechnica 2009 will host the Biomanufacturing Symposium. The symposium addresses the actual topics and upcoming trends the biopharmaceutical industry is facing, concerning the manufacturing of its products for development steps and market supply.

This year’s 2nd edition focuses on three different areas of the biomanufacturing business. Each topic will be covered in a specific session composed of a presentation part with leading experts giving short presentations and a subsequent moderated panel discussion with all lecturers discussing the topic and questions from the audience.


  • Bio – IT World Europe – Together with Deutsche Messe the renowned Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) is featuring an important life science conference at Biotechnica 2009.

Bio-IT World Europe builds on the strong success of the company’s annual Bio-IT World Conference & Expo, which takes place again in Boston on April 27-29. Bio-IT Europe will feature one track featuring key developments in IT Infrastructure for Life Sciences. The other concur-rent track features two programs, one on Bioinformatics for Genomics, and the other on Data Integration and Knowledge Management.

Enabling Technologies

  • PEGS Europe – Protein Engineering Summit – Together with Deutsche Messe the renowned Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) is featuring an important life science conference at Biotechnica 2009.

PEGS Europe – Protein Engineering Summit builds on the excellent history of CHI’s annual PEGS conference in the USA, covering these topics. PEGS Europe will feature a Protein Expression track and an Antibody track. For Protein Expression the first program covers aspects of cell line constructs and expression systems, with Isolation and Characterisation highlighted in the second program. Phage Display for Antibody Development is covered in the first program of the other track, followed by Bench to Bedside coverage of Therapeutic Antibodies.

Bio-based Economy

  • Bio-based Economy Conference 2009 – The concept of “Bio-Based Economy” goes beyond the traditional definition of biotechnology. It focuses on biological tools and products from renewable resources to create wealth and sustainability in the production of medical treatments, diagnostics, more-nutritional foods, energy, chemicals, and materials, while improving the quality of the environment.

Bio-Based Economy facilitates the right financial, policy, and regulatory frameworks that enable the integration of biotechnology into traditional economic sectors while also revitalising these sectors.

The 1st Bio-Based Economy Conference at Biotechnica will address the actual topics and challenges this industry is going to face, focusing in the first year on Biorefineries.

European Biotechnica Award

For the seventh successive year Deutsche Messe will be presenting the European Biotechnica Award. Worth a total of 100,000 Euro in prize money, it is the most generously endowed biotech prize in Europe, and is aimed at European based companies working in biotechnology and the life sciences who have developed particularly innovative products, services and associated business ideas.

The Award is sponsored by leading partners from the biotech world, and the international jury is made up of eleven experts from six countries. The award ceremony will take place during the festive opening of Biotechnica on 5 October 2009.

The jury has selected three finalists from Germany, France and Switzerland. They are TRION Pharma GmbH (, Vivalis SA ( and NovImmune SA (


While here for the show, why not also take the opportunity to explore Hannover and its surroundings?

You’ll find that Hannover is a city of many beautiful sights, and one which offers a wide range of culinary delights and a thriving cultural scene. Experience Hannover by night! Dine at a top-notch restaurant… Or maybe attend a performance at Hannover’s beautiful opera house.

Biotechnica is supported by many competent partners and sponsors such as:

  • Biodeutschland
  • BioTek
  • Capgemini
  • Eppendorf
  • EuropaBio
  • Merck
  • Qiagen
  • Thermo Scientific