Issue 3, 2018
Posted: 22 June 2018 | European Pharmaceutical Review | No comments yet
In this issue: Microfluidics technology in pharmaceutical research, drug manufacturing and development, and is supercritical fluid chromatography applicable to achiral separations?

In this edition:
- FOREWORD: Safety-based limits for non-mutagenic impurities for early phase clinical studies
Dave P Elder, JPAG Member and David P Elder Consultancy - REGULATORY INSIGHT: Access to information held by health regulators – transparency vs. confidentiality
Martyn Hann, Mishcon de Reya LLP - RAMAN IN-DEPTH FOCUS
- MICROFLUIDICS: Microfluidics to play
a growing role in pharmaceutical research, drug discovery and development
Holger Becker, microfluidic ChipShop GmbH, Jena, Germany - SEPARATIONS & PURIFICATIONS IN-DEPTH FOCUS
- RAPID MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS: Setup, performance and alternative validation of recombinant Factor C assays for endotoxin testing
Kevin L. Williams, bioMérieux - MANUFACTURING IN-DEPTH FOCUS
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