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Application Note: Gas safety in the laboratory

Posted: 29 August 2018 | | No comments yet

Modern laboratories use a number of gases as part of their daily operations. This application note details two of the most common methods of laboratory gas supply, and their associated safety risks and benefits…

A number of gases are used in laboratories to support various applications such as Chromatography (GC and LC-MS) Spectroscopy, ELSD and Sample Preparation, to name just a few. Helium, hydrogen and nitrogen are some of the most common gases used by labs for these applications.

Gas is typically supplied to laboratories in one of 4 ways:

  • Dewar
  • Cylinders
  • Gas generator

Traditionally cylinders have been the most common method of gas supply and they are still widely used in labs around the world. If you use cylinders in your lab you should follow the safety tips found in this application note.

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