
Manufacturing, Packaging & Logistics In-Depth Focus 2020

Posted: 18 February 2020 | | No comments yet

In this in-depth focus are articles discussing how to optimise production by using the correct tablet tooling and why logistics can be affected by developments in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Manufacturing, packaging and logistics IDF

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    • Enhancing the production of pharmaceutical tablets is extremely important in modern manufacturing processes and companies will go to great lengths to ensure production runs efficiently in order to stay competitive. As time and capital implications become drivers within the production of solid dosage forms, investigation into improving production methods is pursued. One area that can have a substantial impact on productivity is ensuring tablet tooling is optimised to give the best performance and durability. Here, Alex Bunting discusses important features to consider in tablet production.
    • There are currently major seismic shifts happening in the pharmaceutical sector that are disrupting the status quo. Some of the most notable changes are the rise in biosimilars, the downward pressure on pricing, increased global spending and advances in technology, all of which are impacting the logistics sector and affecting how those companies operate. Here, Brent Stansfield discusses these factors and suggests how companies can adapt.

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