Pfizer launches Accord for a Healthier World
Posted: 30 May 2022 | Mandy Parrett (European Pharmaceutical Review) | No comments yet
Setting a new philanthropic benchmark, Pfizer is launching Accord for a Healthier World – an initiative aimed at closing the gap on inequalities with low-income countries.

In an industry first, Pfizer has announced its intention to provide medicines and vaccines on a not-for-profit basis to 45 of the world’s low- and some lower-middle-income countries. By taking a multifaceted approach to ensure their patented therapeutics become available to some 1.2 billion people, Pfizer seeks to redefine the nature of humanitarian aid.
Working with healthcare officials in five African nations – Rwanda, Ghana, Malawi, Senegal and Uganda – the pharma giant aims to identify key areas that can be enhanced to help ensure their products reach those in need. These areas include expertise to support diagnosis, healthcare professional education and training, as well as supply chain management and other infrastructure improvements. With numerous factors impacting a patient’s ability to receive vital medicine, supply is but the first step.
Commenting on the decisive difference of their varied approach, Pfizer Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla stated: “We will work closely with global health leaders to make improvements in diagnosis, education, infrastructure, storage and more. Only when all the obstacles are overcome can we end healthcare inequities and deliver for all patients.”
Pfizer reported that it will collaborate with Accord participants to identify quick and efficient regulatory pathways and procurement processes to reduce the length of time it can take to make new medicines and vaccines available to these countries, before rolling out these learnings to the remaining forty countries.
In addition to the 23 medicines and vaccines outlined in the Accord, for the treatment of infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, certain cancers and rare and inflammatory diseases, the initiative aims to establish faster access to Pfizer’s future pipeline medicines and vaccines on a not-for-profit basis too.
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Reflecting on the importance of Pfizer’s Accord, His Excellency Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, commented: “Rapid and affordable access to the most advanced medicines and vaccines is the cornerstone of global health equity. Pfizer’s commitment under the Accord programme sets a new standard in this regard. Combined with additional investments in strengthening Africa’s public health systems and pharmaceutical regulators, the Accord is an important step toward sustainable health security for countries at every income level.”
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