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Whitepapers & App Notes

Whitepaper: Particle Characterization with Dynamic Image Analysis

30 August 2013 | By

Higher resolution, lower detection limit, and better reproducibility: that is what Dynamic Image Analysis offers the next generation of size analysis instruments. This whitepaper outlines how the method works, and shows application examples from typical granulation processes. Pros and cons compared to established methods, like sieving and laser diffraction, are…

Whitepaper: Expedite development while ensuring successful commercial outcomes

28 February 2013 | By

As regulatory expectations continue to evolve in the area of pharmaceutical development, working with contract research and manufacturing organizations that couple execution experience with high-end technical capabilities and contemporary quality systems will ensure the most value from strategic partnerships and enhance a project’s progress on its path toward commercialization.

Whitepaper: Good weighing practices for the pharmaceutical industry

2 August 2012 | By

In the laboratory, weighing is only one step of a whole analysis chain in drug discovery and quality control; however it strongly influences the overall quality and integrity of the final result. Proper weighing is thus essential to ensure continuous adherence to predefined process requirements and to avoid a frequent…

Whitepaper: An Interview with Dr. John Rossi

1 August 2011 | By

Dr John Rossi is Chair and Professor of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope (Duarte, CA). His research focuses on the biology and applications of eukaryotic small RNAs and, in particular, their therapeutic use in HIV/AIDS and cancer.